You wish to organize the most beautiful day of your life but you have a small budget? You simply want to save money to invest it in another project? How and what are the things to prioritize? We give you 6 ways to save money for your wedding.
1) Take your time
The first advice we can give you is to take your time and to plan ahead. A wedding can’t be organized within a month, and with the Covid crisis, many weddings are postponed. So imagine, there won’t be enough availabilities for everyone. So anticipate as soon as possible!
However, it is important to take your time. Nothing is worse than doing things in a hurry! First of all, it will save you money! And it’ll also allow you to take the time to research, compare places, contact several providers and choose the best offers.
2. Choose a date
Weddings are mainly held during the summer, when the sun is shining and usually on Saturdays. However, if you think about your budget, this is not the best solution. The demand is very high during this period so naturally the offer is higher. If you want to save money but get married in the sun, it’s ok, but choose a weekday, the prices will be lower. Another option is to get married during the winter, a great trend that will allow you to reduce costs considerably and have an original wedding.
3. Choosing a place for the ceremony and reception room
Organising your ceremony in a different place than the one where your reception will take place can be a nice idea. But your wedding budget can quickly mount up. So why not scout a room or an outdoor place where you can organise both? If the weather is nice, you can turn that outdoor space into a magical place to celebrate your love.
4. Make concessions
Many brides and grooms often want to include everything in their wedding: food, DJ, activities, cocktail bars, foodtruck, only if you want to save money you’ll have to make concessions.
You can spend a large part of your budget on food and music and minimize other elements. For example, give your guests a very nice meal but cut back on the appetizers which are often very generous. If you want to eliminate costs such as waiters and food preparation equipment, opt for a foodtruck, practical and simple, it will cost you less than a caterer.
5.DIY or online invitations
To save money on invitations, you can create your invitations by yourself. It’s the solution for the most creative people who would like to be environmentally friendly while saving money.
Another way to invite your friends and family to this special day is to send an online invitation…quick and easy. No shipping costs, you just need to have the email addresses of your friends and family and that’s it. Remember to prepare a paper version for the one who are not used to using the Internet.
6.The organization of a kitty
To finance your wedding, the fund is there to help you! It is a small contribution from the guests that can be made online or during your wedding. It can be customized to fit the theme of your wedding.
How did you save money on your wedding? Share your tips with us!